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  • St Stephen's Church

Big thank for two very generous donations

This week, the walking group, who use St Stephen's as their base for their weekly walk, gave us a very generous donation towards our building repairs of £1298. They raised this money by contributing every week towards the fund over the last year. I went along to thank them for their generous support on Monday afternoon and was rewarded with a cup of tea and a piece of Christmas cake. Thank you to the organisers and all the walkers for their continued generosity towards St Stephen's.

Huge thank you also to a private individual who has given us a donation of £1250 this week.

We are getting close to the amount we need to be able to apply for grant funding towards our roof repairs. Trevor is working hard to find out the best sources of funding that we can apply for. We still have a long way to go with our fundraising efforts, though, so please continue to support our events etc. Next year is our 150th Anniversary at St Stephen's so it would be lovely to be able to begin work in that year.


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