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Collation of the new Vicar of Pontefract

St Giles Church had a full congregation on Wednesday, 13th March 2024 for the collation of our new Vicar of Pontefract and Priest in Charge of Carleton and East Hardwick, Fr Ian Bullock. 

Fr Ian's new role gives him overall responsibility for five churches - St Stephen's East Hardwick, St Michael's Carleton and three Pontefract churches - St Giles, All Saints and St Mary's. It is a huge task, but one which he has taken on with faith and enthusiasm and we look forward to working more closely with him in the future.  Fr Ian already knows much about our local area as he served his curacy in Pontefract before becoming Vicar of his own parish.   

Rev Rod and Rev Kate will still be our Associate Priests, ministering to our church, here in East Hardwick.

Here are some photos from what was a very joyful event.   Please click on one of the photos to view full size, then use the arrows to move through the gallery.

Photos by kind permission of Bruce Dalgleish (all rights reserved)

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